What Are Weighted Hula Hoops

Weighted hula hoops are the real thing. With all the gimmicks around these are not one of them. You can find them at most sporting goods stores. For the most part they are bigger and heavier than the traditional hula hoops. Weighted hula hoops can be used as an overall fitness tool or can just be used for fun. The weight you use is entirely up to you. Lighter hoops take more energy to make them work. While heavier ones are easier to use usually resulting in a longer workout. All in all the time of the weighted hula hoops has come.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Get Fit With A Weighted Hula Hoop

A weighted hula hoop is another one of those fun tools to hit the crazy fitness industry. There are so many exercises created these days. You really have no excuse if you want to get fit. There is something for everyone out there. The equipment available today is limitless.

Of course there are treadmills, power balls, stair climbers and entire gym packages. One would think that with everything available losing weight would be a snap. Well that’s not entirely true. Some exercising just doesn’t work for some people. However that’s the story behind the weighted hula hoop.

With the hoop you can definitely focus on losing inches off your waist. Just set up a schedule that fits you and you will be quite happy with the outcome. It’s actually quite fun to learn to hoop while you are losing weight at the same time. It doesn’t matter if you can do 2 minutes or 2 hours, eventually you will notice the inches coming off the waist. You make the schedule and have fun.

You might be wondering where you are going to find weighted hula hoops. Pretty simply you can find them at some fitness stores and many online stores. You will be able to find them in many sizes and weights and it’s good to do a little investigating before buying just to make sure you understand that you need to get. It’s just a matter of starting slowly and working your way up.

If you are persistent you will become very good at using the hoop. However you don’t have to become some sort of an expert or something like that. Just learning to exercise with the hoop will get the ball rolling on your weight loss. Of course it will all depend on the schedule you set for yourself using the weighted hula hoops.

At the end of the day the only person you need to stay committed to is yourself. As long as when you set something up you do you’re very best to follow it. Some will find the hoop easier and some will find it harder but almost all will definitely find it fun. That’s why weighted hula hoops are great, because they bring fun into fitness.

Learn more at Weighted Hula Hoops or visit HulaHoopers.ca for all things hula hoop.

The Weighted Hula Hoop And Fat

The weighted hula hoop is a great way to have fun and lose weight at the same time. Remember when you were a kid and the hula hoop was one of the best toys you had. Well the fun hasn’t changed but now you can get some hoops that are more built to help your body get in better shape.

Below are some good suggestions.

More Than One Hoop

One weighted hula hoop is great for fun and exercise but if you could use more than one you are multiplying the benefits. Of course you might want to have some hoop experience first but it will also keep you from getting bored once you have mastered one hoop. You can also challenge yourself to other things and get yourself to the next level.

Keep The Hoop Going

A great exercise is to see how long you can keep the hoop going. You may get tired but it will be very satisfying to push a little further and further each time. A great time to shoot for at the beginning is 30 minutes. I know it seems like a lot but you will be surprised how quickly the task will get easier and become more fun. Once you hit the 30 minute goal with weighted hula hoops you will be well on your way to some great weight loss.

Music And Weighted Hula Hoops

A great way to help with your motivation is to hoop with music. You can even learn to dance while hooping and that really becomes fun. Once again this will take a lot of practice but it is a great goal. You can mix in some spins and twirls. Doing this is going to turn the exercise into a complete body work out.

Hoop When You Can

Not everyone can just take time to hoop whenever they want and that’s okay. You can still get a lot of benefit by taking in some small amounts of time with the hoop. As long as you stay committed you can set up any schedule you want. The key is to just stick to the schedule you are able to set out.

So at the end of the day there are a lot of ways you can make your hoop work in your favour. We all have different schedules so of course it will be different for everyone. That’s okay because at the end of the day we will all come out with the same benefit by using our weighted hula hoops.

Learn More at Weighted Hula Hoops

How To Use A Weighted Hula Hoop

Even though weighted hula hoops are somewhat of the latest craze in fun and exercise. The thing is you still want to have fun. To start just pick up the hoop and go for it. There really aren’t a lot of things you can do wrong. However if you do want some instruction then below you can get some details.

First thing you want to do is take hold of the hula hoop.

At this point you want to move the ankle down to ankle level

Now it’s time to step into the hoop.

Now it’s time to bring the weighted hula hoop up around your waist.

So now you can have the hoop resting against your back by holding it with both hands and pulling it forward.

Now you want to fling the hoop to the left and let the inside roll around your body. This will take a few tries until you get the feel for it.

Now that you have a bit of a feel you can just leave the hoop on the ground by your feet and start practicing your hip movements. Keep your feet planted firmly on the ground and do the circles with your pelvis. Go ahead and do this a few times until it feels good.

It’s finally time to put everything together with the weighted hula hoop. Flip the hula hoop. Now you need to get the hoop meeting your hips and keep your hips moving to continue the movement.

You want to keep the hoop going around your hips as long as possible. The time will come when it falls to the ground and that’s ok because you can just pick it up and try again.

At the end of the day don’t turn this into anything silly. While this can be great for physical fitness you need to remember to have fun as well. As long as you are having fun all the other aspects will fall into place without you even realizing it. So go ahead and get your hands on a weighted hula hoop and have some fun.

Learn more about Weighted Hula Hoops

Build Your Weighted Hula Hoop

Make Your Own Weighted Hula Hoop

Making your own weighted hula hoop at home is quite possible. A few things you will need are piping and connectors which you can find at most of your local hardware stores. To make the hoop look cool you can pick up some colored tape at the local sporting store. So you can use hockey or electrical tape. The electrical tape is usually a little better just because of its gloss finish which repels the dirt better. Finally you will need something to cut the tubing, some hot water and a hair dryer.

While at the hardware store you are looking for 160psi 3/4” tubing. You will usually find it in the plumbing department. At this time you will also want to get the connectors for your weighted hula hoops.

Length Of Weighted Hula Hoops

The weighted hula hoops can be made in an assortment of sizes. Depending on who will be using them will help you gauge the sizes. You can make small ones for children or huge ones to have fun with. For most people the most comfortable is when holding the hoop on the ground it comes up between the arm pits and the mouth. The hula hoops are easy to adjust so feel free to experiment. Just remember smaller is actually harder to use. They need to rotate faster. It’s always better to have them a little longer.

Cut The Tubing

Once you have decided on a length for your weighted hula hoop it’s time to do the cutting. The best tool for cutting is a hacksaw if you have one. Ok, now it’s time to do some melting. It’s important to make the plastic soft so you can get the connectors to go in easier. You can use either a blow dryer or a pot of very hot water for this. While either method is fine the hot water is the best and safest method.

So now you have a weighted hula hoop. As long as you are sure it’s the length you want you can now do the decorating. As for the decorating the sky is your limit. Just use your imagination and you will come up with many different options. The biggest thing to remember is to take your time to do this right the first time. Patience will be needed but it will be worth it when you are using your weighted hula hoop.

Go to Weighted Hula Hoops to find out more.

Weighted Hula Hoops Online

Looking to purchase a Weighted Hula Hoop? HulaHoopers.ca offers top of the line hula hoops at an affordable price for people that live in Canada and the USA. Unlimited options for size and colour.